While Ryan and I were celebrating our 5th anniversary, Avery stayed with Nana and Papa Nelson. It was his first night away from home without mommy and daddy. Friday night stated with a big mooshy bang! Avery got to play with home made Play-Doh! Cookie cutters and all! He had so much fun with this.
Later Nana and Papa and Aunt Holly went to the Springville county Fair! They took Avery to the petting zoo! Avery's favorite part was that he got to count pigs...
and more pigs...
some Alpacas....
and even a cow or two!
Next Avery said that he wanted to go on some of the rides...so Aunt Holly took him on the Stawberry ride. Holly said that he liked turning the wheel inside the car, but that he hated spinning fast! She explained that you couldn't spin the wheel if he wanted to go slow. So they just sat there waiting to get out. I don't think Avery like that ride much...that's what they tell me anyway. Then, Avery wanted to go on the little train ride. This is Papa getting him in the car and ready to go. Papa said that he was suprised that Avery didn't freak out when he walked away...then when the ride started Avery started to panic and want to get off right away! The man working the ride wouldn't stop it for Avery to get off even though he was the only kid on the ride! Go Figure!
Then it was home they went. Nana, Papa and Holly sang Avery fun songs on the in the car. He kept requesting...or should I say DEMANDING that they sing them over and over again. By the time they got home all three adults were exhausted and Avery was still asking for more songs.
This is Avery's bed. He and Nana and Papa camped out on the living room floor! What fun they had. They put the movie The Iron Giant in for Avery figuring he would fall asleep while watching...no such luck. He kept asking Holly "what's doing?" and Holly would sleepily replay with her eyes still closed, "He's walking." that answer seemed to suffice since Avery would let it go and then ask the same question minutes later.
Saturday morning every one woke up and they ate French Toast for breakfast. It's one of Avery's favorites and I'm sure he enjoyed it.
After breakfast Nana, Papa, Holly and Jordan took Avery to Cabella's. It's an outdoor sports store with lots and lots to look at! They had fun while running around and enjoying themselves.
Thank you to Marilee, Rich, Holly and Jordan for making Avery's time with them adventurous, fun and downright tiring. Avery had such a wonderful time that he ALWAYS wants to go to Nana and Papa's house. It really is his favorite place to be. Not only did you all keep Avery busy and happy, but you let Ryan and I have some time to ourselves which was really, really nice. Thanks again! And we love you all!
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