"The key to strengthening our families is having the Spirit of the Lord come into our homes. The goal of our families is to be on the strait and narrow path."
Robert D. Hales

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our Hot Summer Days

Without any central air in our 2 bedroom basement apartment it gets pretty hot. And because it gets pretty hot, Avery has learned how to strip down to his underwear. I was working on the computer and turned around to check on Avery and found him just hanging out in his underwear. Sometimes Ryan and I wish we could do the same. Unforunatly, for us, hanging out in our underwear wouldn't be so appropriate. Avery is so lucky he is a little kid.

For the first time after Avery's birthday he finally got out his Play-Doh. He was so excited to make things with dad.

We got the cookie cutters out and made some shapes. Avery's favorite was the white star he cut out. What a nice star Avery!

Finally they got out the yellow play-doh and decided to make a lot of different sized balls. Thanks to Dad keeping this organized they only got one color out at a time, so that the colors wouldn't get mixed together.

What a CHEESE! Kids get to an age where they WANT the picture to be taken. And after I take each one...he wants so see it and give his approval. Then he says, "do it adain mommy!"

Since it is getting so hot I finally broke down and was ready to give Avery another overdue haircut. He wanted it cut like Daddy's.

And here we go!!! Avery did surprisingly well. He usually books it when I get out the clippers.

Almost done...and he still looks happy.

TA-DA! We buzzed all of his beautiful hair off! And he loves it! Avery rubbs his head with his hand and tells me, "I yike this mommy!" He is all about "I yike" and "I no yike." He knows what he wants...which is a good AND a difficult thing. But in this case everything turned out well! Thank goodness!


Jennie said...

Cute blog girl. He is a doll. Long time no talk to. Hope all is well
Jennie Sanders